Department of Physics

Electricityandmagnetism II


           This course develops concepts in electricity and magnetism such that the behavior of the physical universe can be understood from a fundamental point of view. It provides a basis for further study of current electricity. Content will include: Complex numbers, Admittance and susceptance of A. C Circuit, Owen’s Bridge, Biot–Savarts law, Amperes Circuital law ,Magnetic properties of the material, Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, Lenz’s law, Energy stored in magnetic field, Equation of continuity of current, Maxwell’s equations, Electromagnetic wave propagation through vacuum, Electromagnetic wave propagation in isotropic dielectric medium etc.

Course Outcomes: -

After going through the course, the student should be able to

CO1: Understand the A.C series L.C.R. circuit and resonance in series L.C.R. circuit.

CO2: Develop skill in computing Maxwell’s equation problems and A.C circuit.

CO3: Apply law such as Biot-Savart’s and Lenz’s law for selected problems in electricity and magnetism.

CO4: Use the tools, methodologies, language and conventions of physics to test and communicate ideas and explanations.

Skills to be learned:-

  • This course will help in understanding basic concepts of electricity and magnetism and their applications.
  • Basic course in electrostatics will equips the student with required prerequisites to understand electrodynamics phenomena.
  • Acquire the knowledge of Maxwell’s equations and understand electricals and magnetic phenomenon deeply.

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