Department of Physics

Mechanics I


        In this course students will understand the basic principles and laws in the physics. Basically, in this paper student will able to understand and able to analyze the science behind the day today experiences. Student will also able to analyze the complicated physical phenomenon such as how velocity, momentum and kinetic energy fundamentally work.

Course Outcomes:-

After going through the course, the student should be able to

CO1: Understand the role of vectors and their physical significance in the physics.

CO2: Write the expression for the moment of inertia for different uniform mass distributions.

CO3: Calculate the Moment of Inertia about the given axis of symmetry by means of parallel and perpendicular theorem.

CO4: Explain the conservation of linear and angular momentum and apply them to the day today life.

CO5: Understand the analogy between translational and rotational motion.

Skills to be learned:-

  • Learn basic mathematics like vectors.
  • Learn basic ideas about arithmetic of vectors.
  • Acquire basic knowledge of translational and rotational motion.
  • Learn basics of Moment of inertia and rotational dynamics.

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