Department of Physics

Mechanics II


      In this course, student will understand the basic physics behind the celestial phenomenon such as  law of Gravitation, Newton’s law of motion, Keplar’s laws of planetary motion, the geosynchronous orbit, weightlessness, also the motion of satellite in circular orbit and expression for velocity and time period satellite. Student should understand the various applications of GPS and to know various applications of GPS in industrial, navigation and military areas, basic concepts of SHM, free oscillations and forced oscillations, damped and forced oscillations in real life.

Course Outcomes:-

After going through the course, the student should be able to

CO1: Apply Kepler’s law to describe the motion of planets and satellite in circular orbit, through the study of law of Gravitation.

CO2: Explain the phenomena of simple harmonic motion and the properties of systems executing such motions.

CO3: Describe how fictitious forces arise in a non-inertial frame, e.g., why a person sitting in a merry-go-round experiences an outward pull.

CO4: understand the concept of angle of contact, wettability, different applications of surface tension in everyday life and solve the examples based on surface tensions.

CO5: In the laboratory course, the student shall perform experiments related to mechanics (compound pendulum), rotational dynamics (Flywheel), elastic properties (Young Modulus and Modulus of Rigidity) and fluid dynamics (Searle method) etc.

Skills to be learned:-

  • Learn basics of Newtonian gravitation theory and central force problem.
  • Learn basic ideas about mechanical oscillators.
  • Learn elasticity and elastic constants of material and perform experiments to study them.
  • Acquire basic knowledge of Surface tension of fluids. 

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