Department of Chemistry UG and PG



Sr. No.


Bachelor of Science


Program Specific Outcomes


Course Outcomes


Program Outcomes

Master of Science


Program Specific Outcomes


Course Outcomes


Program Outcomes




Program Outcomes:

    1. Student will gain fundamental knowledge of chemistry which will help the for-PG studies and Research
    2. Student will be able to know good laboratory practices and lab safety.
    3. To make the learner proficient in analyzing the various observations and chemical phenomena presented to him during the course.
    4. Students will be able to apply the fundamental knowledge to address the cross- cutting issues such as sustainable development
    5. Students will be able to solve various problems by identifying the essential parts of a problem, formulate strategy for solving the problem, applying appropriate techniques to arrive at a solution, test the precision and accuracy of the solution and interpret the results.
    6. Students will be able to communicate effectively i.e. being able to articulate, comprehend and write effective reports, make effective presentations and documentation and capable of expressing the subject through technical writing as well as through oral presentation.


Program Specific Outcomes:

  1. Students will be able to explain fundamental concepts of inorganic, physical, organic, industrial and analytical chemistry.
  2. Identify chemical formulae and solve numerical problems.
  3. Students can use modern chemical tools, Models, Charts and Equipments.
  4. Students will be able to prepare and qualify for competitive examinations
  5. Students will understand good laboratory practices and safety.
  6. Students will develop research-oriented skills.


Course Outcomes


B. Sc.-I (Chemistry)



Paper No. I (Inorganic Chemistry)

After completion of these courses, students should be able to,

  1. Able to write electronic configuration of elements, fill electrons in different orbitals, draw energy level sequence of different orbitals, differentiate between electronegativity and electron affinity.
  2. Differentiate between different types of bonds and able to identify the ionic bond in compounds.
  3. Able to draw molecular orbital diagrams of homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomic molecules.
  4. Able to find hybridization, geometry and magnetic properties of transition metal complexes.

Paper No. II (Organic Chemistry)

  1. Understand the basic concepts of Organic Chemistry.
  2. Understand the concept of chirality, optical isomerism, and nomenclature.
  3. Learn aromatic-non-aromatic compounds and to understand the mechanism of electrophilic substitution reactions.
  4. Understand method of formation and chemical reactions of cycloalkanes, cycloalkenes and alkadienes.

Paper No. III (Physical Chemistry)

  1. Understand the Carnot cycle and its efficiency and concepts of  enthalpy and entropy
  2. Understand the free energy and laws of chemical equilibrium.
  3. Understand the Vander walls equations and Maxwell Boltzman  distribution law.
  4. Understand the First and second order reaction.

Paper No. IV (Analytical Chemistry)

1. Understand the difference between qualitative and quantitative analysis, understand the terms error and accuracy in analytical experiments. Able to calculate the

mean, median of analytical data.


  1. Understand the importance of chromatography in analysis and the principles of separation of analyte from mixture using paper chromatography and thin layer chromatography.
  2. Able to find out unknown concentration of analyte from sample by performing titration.
  3. Understand the hardness, PH, alkalinity, acidity, BOD and COD of water.
  4. Understand the estimation of NPK from fertilizer.

B.Sc.-I (Chemistry Practical)

Laboratory practical

  1. To know the unknown compounds by Organic Qualitative Analysis.
  2. To learn the preparation of organic and inorganic materials synthesis.
  3. To learn kinetics of reaction.
  4. To learn separation and identification of different cations by Paper Chromatographic technique.
  5. To learn heat of ionization, heat of ionization, heat capacity, enthalpy of hydration, solubility, and enthalpy of neutralization of different chemicals.
  6. To determine the equivalent weight of Magnesium.
  7. To learn preparation of standard solution.
  8. To understand the estimation of metal ions.

B.Sc.-II (Chemistry)

Paper No. V (Physical Chemistry)

  1. Understand the basic terminologies electrolytic conductivity and different types of conductometric titrations.
  2. Understand the different physical properties of liquids depend on density and viscosity.
  3. Understand         the        adsorption          phenomenon          and different adsorption isotherms and its applications.
  4. Understand the   types   of   nuclear   radiations   and their detection and measurements.


5. Understand the order of reaction and theories of reaction rate.

Paper No. VI (Industrial Chemistry)

  1. Learn different concentration terms.
  2. Understand comparison between classical chemistry and Industrial chemistry.
  3. Understand concept of unit processes and unit operation.
  4. Study basic principle of corrosion and electroplating.
  5. Learn different types of corrosion, applications of chromium electroplating
  6. Learn manufacturing process of paper.
  7. Study different types of soaps and their uses.
  8. Study cleansing action of soap, saponification, detergents.

Paper No. VII (Inorganic Chemistry)

  1. Understand the basic concepts of coordination chemistry.
  2. Able to find the geometries of different transition metal complexes using Valence bond theory.
  3. Study the concept of chelate formation.
  4. Study the compounds of group 13, 14 and 15 of „p-block‟ elements.
  5. Understand the properties of elements of 3d series.
  6. Learn     the     basic     knowledge     about     inorganic     semi- microanalysis

Paper No. VIII (Organic Chemistry)

  1. Learn about the synthesis, reactivity and applications of carboxylic acids.
  2. Study about classification, preparation and applications of amines and diazonium salts.
  3. Understand the classification, configuration and structure of carbohydrates.
  4. Understand the nomenclature and reactivity of aldehydes and ketones.
  5. Study the basic knowledge conformational analysis of organic compound.

B.Sc.-II (Chemistry Practical)

Laboratory practical

  1. Identification of organic compounds including acids, bases, phenols and neutrals.
  2. Preparation of organic compounds and their purification.
  3. Organic estimations such as acetone, Vitamin-C and ester.
  4. Separation, identification and determination of Rf valuesusing TLC.
  5. Understand the gravimetric analysis of Fe and Ba.
  6. Preparation of inorganic complexes.
  7. Able to find out the unknown concentration by performing titration.
  8. Understand semi-micro analysis.
  9. Study the chemical kinetics of hydrolysis of ester.
  10. Illustrate the experiment of instrumental methods such as conductometry, refractometry, polarimetry etc.
  11. Able to measure viscosities of different liquids.

B.Sc.-III (Chemistry)

Paper          No.         IX

(Inorganic Chemistry)

  1. Study the theoretical concepts of hard and soft acids and bases.
  2. Understand the metal ligand bonding in transition metal complexes.
  3. Study basic concepts and classification of inorganic polymers.
  4. Study     classification      of     conductors,      insulators       and semiconductor
  5. Study synthesis and structures of organo-metallic compounds.

Paper No. X (Organic Chemistry)

  1. Study the basic concept of spectroscopy.
  2. Understand factors affecting UV-absorption spectra.
  3. Understand factors affecting on vibrational frequency.
  4. Interpret IR-spectra on basic values of IR-frequencies.
  5. Learn basic principle of NMR spectroscopy, chemical shift, shielding and deshielding.


  1. Study     instrumentation        of     mass      spectrometry,       and fragmentation pattern.
  2. Solve the combined problem of UV, IR, and NMR.

Paper No. XI (Physical Chemistry)

  1. Learn and understand quantum Chemistry, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, concept of energy operators (Hamiltonian), learning of Schrodinger wave equation. Physical interpretation of the ψ and ψ2 . Particle in a one- dimensional box
  2. Gain Knowledge about spectroscopy, Electromagnetic spectrum, Energy level diagram, Study of rotational spectra of diatomic molecules: Rigid rotor model, Microwave oven, vibrational spectra of diatomic molecules, simple Harmonic oscillator model, Raman spectra: Concept of polarizability, pure rotational and pure Vibrational Raman spectra of diatomic molecules, related knowledge will be gained by the students.
  3. Learn and understand photochemical laws, reactions and various photochemical phenomena.
  4. Learn the various types of solutions, vapour pressure, temperature relations.
  5. Learn and understand the knowledge of emf measurements, types of electrodes, different types of cells, various applications of emf measurements.

Paper No. XII (Analytical Chemistry)

  1. Understand the basic concepts of Gravimetric Analysis and learns different types of precipitations.
  2. Understand the flame photometry and its applications and limitations.
  3. Understand the theory of colorimetry, applications of colorimetry and spectrophotometry
  4. Understand the different types of electrodes, titrations and their applications


5.   Understand      the     different     types     of    chromatographic techniques and their applications

Paper         No.       XIII (Inorganic Chemistry)

  1. Understand the thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of metal complexes.
  2. Study the nuclear reactions and role of radio isotopes.
  3. Understand properties and classification of lanthanides and actinides.
  4. Study techniques involves in extraction of iron from its ore.
  5. Understand role of metals and non-metals in our health.

Paper No. XIV (Organic Chemistry)

  1. Study the various Name reaction and reagents with examples.
  2. Learn mechanism of rearrangement reaction.
  3. Understand basic terms used in retrosynthetic analysis.
  4. Solve    electrophilic     and    nucleophilic     addition     reaction problems
  5. Study analytical and synthetic evidences of natural products such as citral and nicotine.
  6. Learn different types of drugs and their synthesis and uses.

Paper No. XV (Physical Chemistry)

  1. Learn and understand phase rule, Learn and understand One component, Two component and Three component systems phase diagrams with suitable examples.
  2. Gain Knowledge about basic concept of Thermodyanamics, free energy, Gibbs-Helmholtz equation and its applications, Able to solve problem related with it.
  3. Understand basic concept of solid state chemistry, learn basic terms, Laws of crystallography, learn crystal structure analysis using X-rays
  4. Understand kinetics of Simultaneous reactions such as i)opposing reaction ii)side reaction iii)consecutive reactions:

iv) chain reaction v) explosive reaction

  1. Learn and understand the knowledge of distribution law, its modifications, applications of distribution laws, process of


extraction,      determination        of     solubility,      distribution indicators, and molecular weights.

Paper No. XVI (Industrial Chemistry)

  1. Understand the methods of manufacturing of sugar
  2. Understand the mechanism of manufacture of industrial heavy    chemicals.
  3. Understand the different types of polymers and their applications
  4. Understand     the    different     types    of   hydrocarbons      and application of petrochemicals.
  5. Understand      the     different      methods      for     nonmaterial preparations and their applications.

B.Sc.-III (Chemistry Practical)

Laboratory practical

  1. Understand the gravimetric estimation such as Fe, Ba, Ni.
  2. Study different types of inorganic preparations.
  3. Understand titration and percentage purity of different typesof solutions
  4. Separate     binary     mixture     and     identify     an    individual compound.
  5. Prepare organic compounds and purify them.
  6. Prepare organic derivatives.
  7. Estimate amount of organic content from mixture, tablets etc.
  8. Understand the kinetic reactions and their mechanisms, energy of     activation, partial molar volume.
  9. Understand     different     instruments      such    as    pH    Meter, potentiometer, refractometer, colorimeter etc.


Shri Swami Vivekanand Shikshan Sanstha Kolhapur’s


M. Sc. Organic Chemistry


Name of Programme: M. Sc. Chemistry

The following outcomes are specified by Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

PO1: Creative Thinking: Students will be able to think creatively to propose novel ideas in explaining facts and figures or providing new solution to the problems in chemistry.

PO2: Interdisciplinary Approach: Students will realize how developments in any science subject helps in the development of other science.

PO2: Personality Development: Students will imbibe ethical, moral and social values in personal and social life leading to highly cultured, civilized personality and positive attitude.

PO4: Skills in research and industrial field: Students will build a scientific temper, attitude and will be able to learn the necessary skills to succeed in research or industrial field.

PO5: Communication Skills: Students will develop various communication skills such as reading, listening, speaking, etc., which we will help in expressing ideas and views clearly and effectively.

PO6: Environmental monitoring: Understand the issues of environmental contexts and sustainable development.



Name of Programme: M. Sc. Organic Chemistry

The following outcomes are specified by Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

PSO1: Students will be able to prepare and qualify subject specific competitive exams like NET, SET and GATE and also other general public administration exams like M.P.S.C. and

U.P.S.C.  exams etc.


PSO2: Student will be able to utilize the knowledge and analytical skills in QA-QC and R&D departments in almost all the industries enabling them to secure jobs where analytical chemistry is the core requirement to ensure and ascertain the quality of the product.

PSO3: Students will have opportunity for higher education leading to Ph.D. program.

PSO4: Students will be able to explore contemporary research in chemistry and allied fields of science and technology, collaborate in team projects and communicate the results of scientific work in  oral, written and electronic formats to both scientists and the public at large.

PSO5: Students can start their own laboratories/startups/ chemical industry/ business (entrepreneurship).

PSO6: Students will be able to interpret data from the state of art Analytical instruments for ascertaining the product/material.


COURSE OUTCOMES: The course outcomes are specified by Shivaji University, Kolhapur

M. Sc. Organic Chemistry:





(Inorganic Chemistry – I)

  1. Students will be able to explain the basic chemistry of transition metals and its compounds, spectroscopic characteristics of such compounds, nomenclature, reactions and applications.
  2. Students will obtain knowledge about Preparation, structure, physical and chemical properties of metal carbonyls of transition metals.
  3. Students will be able to understand the all aspects of synthesis, bonding, structure and reactivity of organo-metallic compounds and their applications in homogenous catalysis.
  4. Student will be able determine the stability of the complexes and will be able to explain the nuclear stability

and reactions.


(Organic Chemistry – I)

  1. Students will able to differentiate between various organic reactive intermediates.
  2. Students can recognize, classify, explain, and apply fundamental organic reactions.
  3. Students will have ability to distinguish between different kinds of isomers.
  4. Course will develop interest in writing and finding mechanisms of new reactions.


(Physical Chemistry – I)

  1. Students will be able to understand basic principles of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics
  2. Able to learn advanced topics like quantum statistics and molecular dynamic simulation methods.
  3. Develop abilities to understand how to estimate and analyze the physicochemical properties of condensed and gas phase materials.
  4. Able to utilize spectral data to estimate molecular thermodynamic properties through partition function calculations.
  5. Understand properties of detergents and colloidalmaterials
  6. Learns the principles and techniques to understand gas and liquid adsorptions on solid surfaces
  7. Can learn spectral techniques to study surface adsorption phenomena.
  8. Learn principles and techniques for estimation of average molecular weight of a polymer or biological macromolecules CO9: Develop abilities to characterize polymers through understanding theories of virial

coefficients, concepts of glass transition temperatures, etc.


(Analytical Chemistry – I)

  1. Students would acquire the knowledge about the fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry including the sampling, sample pretreatment, basic techniques, methods and data handling, processing and statistical analysis of the same.
  2. Students would acquire the knowledge and understand the scope of Analytical Chemistry spanning various fields. The students will learn fundamentals of qualitative analysis using conventional techniques
  3. Students will learn the chromatographic techniques, choice of chromatographic techniques and tuning of the chromatographic technique as per the need based on the samples to deal with, learn electroanalytical techniques and computation chemistry which would groom them for alternative analytical strategies which form one of the important components of analytical chemistry.
  4. Students will learn about referring to the standard reference books and infer information from the same. Analytical case study problems would be discussed to familiarize with the scope and advantages of Analytical


CHP-1.1- I

  1. Students will prepare One stage organic preparations involving various types of reactions Preparations, 1.Oxidation: Adipic acid by chromic acid oxidation of Cyclohexanol. 2. Aldol condensation: Dibenzal acetone from Benzaldehyde. 3.Sandmeyer reaction: p- Chlorotoulene from p-Toluidine. 4.Cannizzaro reaction: 4-chlorobenzyldehyde as a substrate.5.Aromatic Electrophilic substitutions: Synthesis of p-Nitroaniline and p- Bromoaniline. 6.Preparation of Cinnamic acid by Perkin's reaction.7.Knoevenagel condensation reaction 8.Coumarin Synthesis
  2. know estimations 1.Estimation of unsaturation. 2.Estimation of formalin. 3.Colorimetric Estimation of Dyes 4.Estimation of Amino acids.
  3. Separation and identification of organic compounds in binary mixtures. Preparation of its derivatives.
  4. Perform Ore analysis gravimetrically and volumetrically.
  5. Analyze alloy gravimetrically and volumetrically.
  6.  Prepare various inorganic complexes and determination of its Percent purity.




(Inorganic Chemistry – II)

  1. Students will get the knowledge of the basic chemistry of non-transition elements and their compounds, synthesis and structural features, and applications.
  2. To be able to explain the structures of inorganic compounds based on different theories. Student will understand the chemistry of various types of solvents.
  3. Be well versed with the knowledge about the chemistry of Lanthanides and Actinides with respect to occurrence, separation, compounds and applications.
  4. To understand the three dimensional structures of solid- state materials of industrial importance and to get the knowledge of bio-inorganic Chemistry.


(Organic Chemistry – II)

  1. Illustration of modern synthetic methods and applications of  reagents.
  2. Provide       knowledge       of      different       organometallic compounds and various coupling reactions.
  3. Understand principle and applications of protection and deprotection of various functional groups.
  4. It    will    elaborate      to    understand      the    concept     of chemoselectivity, regioselectivity and enantioselectivity.


(Physical Chemistry – II)

  1. Students will learn basics of quantum mechanics.
  2. Knowledge of the course will form the basis or essential requirement for the course “Advanced Quantum Chemistry” CO3: Able to understand selection rules and to predict the electronic spectra of conjugated organic molecules.
  3. Able to study photochemical and photophysical phenomena
  4. Capable of qualitative and quantitative analysis of various ingredients from industrial, food and pharma samples using techniques of emission spectroscopy.
  5. Capable of understand the electrochemical aspects of materials, ionic processes and electrochemical sensors, battery materials and characterizations etc.
  6. Able to study electrokinetic effects and their applications in the field of protein separation, characterization etc.
  7. Understanding the molecular dynamics through kinetic studies. Applications to explore reaction pathways, protein- ligand binding rates, etc. will help to understand

life governing processes.

CH 2.4

Analytical Chemistry- II

1. Students will acquire the knowledge of spectroscopic tools/instruments        used     in    chemical     analysis     and

interpretation of the data. The scope and limitations of the


spectroscopic tools would be discussed so that the students learn about the type of samples which could be analyzed by these tools offering choices among the spectroscopic tools.

  1. Students will learn about the simple and advanced instruments used for analysis like NMR, MS, AAS, ICP and thermal analysis (TGA, DTA, DSC etc.) techniques spanning wide variety of samples to be considered for analysis.
  2. Students will learn about the instrumentation, sample preparation and handling of sample, analysis and data interpretation and structural elucidation.
  3. Learning about different instruments will give them idea about appropriate choice of the instrument for analysis based on the source and type of analyte(s) in the sample

under consideration.

CHP-2.1- II

  1. Student  can be able to prepare various concentration solutions like molar, normal, ppm, etc
  2. Students can be able to know how to verify Beer-Lambert’s Law for potassium permanganate and Dye solution and hence to determine the molar extinction coefficient and unknown concentration of given sample colorimetrically
  3. know determination of the solubility of calcium oxalate in presence of KCl ( Ionic Strength Effect) and also in presence of HCl (H+ ion Effect)
  4.  know of Analysis of Pharmaceutical tablets for Iron and Calcium. know determination of of hardness, alkalinity and salinity of water sample
  5. know estimation of the amount of D-glucose in given solution colorimetrically
  6. know determination of the acid value of given oil
  7. : Know determination of of sodium from the fertilizer sample using cation exchange chromatographically.
  8. know separation and estimation of chloride and bromide on anion exchanger
  9. know determination of of hardness, alkalinity and salinity of water sample
  10. To know the  Potentiometryc procedure for Determination of solubility and solubility product of silver halides and binary mixture of weak and strong acid by .
  11. To Know the Conductometryc  procedure for determination of mixture of acids and relative strength of weak acids , solubility of lead sulphate and  CMC and ∆G of sodium dodecyl sulphate.
  12.  To know the Refractometryc procedure for determination of                     molecular radius of molecule of organic compound and    concentration of sugar in unknown sample.
  13. To know the Polarimetryc procedure for Kinetics of inversion of cane sugar in presence of strong acid.
  14. To know the pH – metry procedure for  determination of dissociation constant of dibasic acid.
  15. To know the Chemical Kinetics procedure for  Kinetics of reaction between bromate and iodide.
  16. To know  the Adsorption procedure for Study of adsorption of acetic acid on charcoal.
  17. To know the  Viscocity procedure for   Determination of molecular weight of polymers


Paper IX OCH-:3.1  Organic Reaction Mechanism

  1. Compare the major and minor product of variety of organic reaction.
  2. Understand accepted mechanism of organic reaction including all intermediates
  3. Solve the problems on Taft and Hammet constant.
  4. Understand Concave upward and downward deviation.
  5. Learn the type’s hydrolysis of ester.
  6. Solve problems on photochemical reactions.
  7. To understand the concept of pericylic reactions.
  8. To understand the kinetic & non-kinetic methods for reaction mechanisms.

Paper X  OCH-3.2: Advance Spectroscopic Methods

On completion of the course, M.Sc. II student will able

  1. Understands basics terms, different types of vibrations, factor affecting on IR frequencies and frequencies of various functional groups in IR spectroscopy
  2. Understands basics terminologies involved and shielding deshielding, equivalent and nonequivalent protons in NMR spectroscopy.
  3. Understands basics terms, and fragmentation of organic compounds involved in Mass spectroscopy.
  4. Learn Physical methods of structure elucidation which includes IR, UV , NMR & Mass Spectroscopy
  5. Solve the problems based on IR, UV , NMR, Mass Spectroscopy.
  6. Analyze reaction sequences and differentiation by using spectroscopic technique.

Paper No. XI  OCH-3.3 Advanced synthetic methods

  1. Understand retrosynthetic analysis of new organic molecules.
  2. Understand application of reagents and reaction in organic synthesis.
  3. Understand application of metal in organic synthesis.
  4. Understand Green synthesis and new methodology and use of instrument in organic synthesis,

Paper No. XII OCH-: 3.4(A)  Drug and Heterocycles

  1. To study concept of prodrug &soft drugs.
  2. Understand history &development of QSAR.
  3. Preparation of peniciline.
  4. Study of various antimalerial & antibacterial drugs.
  5. Know the main synthetic routes and reactivity for variety of heterocyclic compounds and applications.


OCHP 3.1 Practical III

  1. Know qualitative Analysis Separation, purification and identification of compounds of  ternary mixture ( one liquid and twosolids) using the TLC and column chromatography,

chemical tests. IR spectra to be used for functional group identification.

  1. Know Three step Preparation
  2. Know Colorimetry and pH metry experiments.

Part-II semester-IV

OCH 4.1 Paper No. -XIII Theoretical Organic Chemistry

  1. To Know concept of aromatic, anti-aromatic & non-aromatic compounds.
  2. Classify the compounds into the above categaries.
  3. Learn the synthesis of various non-benzenoids aromatic compounds.
  4. Understand the kinetic and thermodynamic control of rections.
  5. To understand the concept of non-classical carbocation..
  6. To learn the mechanism involved in free radical reactins..

OCH 4.2: -Paper- XIV Stereochemistry

  1. Understand New methods of stereo selective synthesis such as enantio-selective, Synthesis of hrdride donar, hydroboration, catalytic hydrogenation, Sharpless, epoxidation, optical purity and entiometric excess.
  2. Understand Stereochemistry of acyclic and alicyclic compounds, Conformation and reactivity in acyclic compounds and of cyclohexanes , Some aspects of the stereochemistry of ring systems, The shapes of the rings other than six membered
  3. Understand stereochemistry of the ring system, conformation and configuration, Fused and bridged rings fused bicyclic ring systems, O.R.D. and C.D.:Types of curves
  4. Understand Stereochemistry of compounds containing no chiral carbon atoms and diastereo isomerism (Geometrical isomerism)..

OCH  4.3 Paper No.-XV Chemistry of  Natural Products

  1. Student able to classified the natural products: Terpenoids, alkaloids, steroids etc.
  2. Understanding introduction and structure determination of natural products like Alkaloids.
  3. Understanding introduction and structure determination of natural products like steroids.
  4. Understanding biogenesis of natural products.

OCH 4.4 (A) :Paper No. -XVI- Applied Organic chemistry

  1. To study various carbamate & organophosphorous pesticides.
  2. Understanding introduction and structure of juvenile harmone.
  3. Study the application of vaniline.
  4. Study of manufacture of furfural from bagasse.
  5. Classification and synthesis of important dyes.
  6. Study of natural polymer&application of Oxo and Wacker process.

 OCHP-4.1 Practical IV


  1. Separate organic compounds in different phases.
  2. Perform qualitative test to analyze functional group of organic compounds.
  3. Learn distillation technique.
  4. Detect elements N, S, and X in organic compounds.
  5. Use purification techniques of organic compounds.
  6. Understand two step synthesis of organic compound.
  7. Separate organic compounds in different phases.
  8. Understand multistep synthesis.
  9. Preparation of Project on selected topic.


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