Year of Establishment
B. Com- 15th June, 1962
Programs Offered
B. Com & B. Com (IT)
Number of Faculty Members
COC & Short Term Courses
Career Oriented Course-1 Event Management &
Short Term Courses-1- E-Banking, 2- E-Commerce
Number of Students (2023-24)
B.Com + B.Com (IT) 620 + 75 = 695
Teaching Pedagogy
Lectures, Smart Board, PPT Presentation, Student Seminar, Group Discussion, Industrial Visit, Experiential learning, Problem solving, etc.
Average Success Rate of Student
82.01 %
Organisation of Conference, Seminar & Workshop, Webinar etc.
Central Sector Scholarship (2023-24)
National Scholarship Policy (NSP)
Govt. Scholarship (NSP)- 249 Students (216 students-Rs. 10,000 each + 33 students- Rs. 12,000 each)
Research Paper Published (faculty)
29 (8 papers- UGC care listed & peer reviewed)
Books in Central Library
Books in Departmental Library
Texts: 22 + Reference: 47 = Total: 69