Department of History



Bachelor of Arts (B. A.)

Department of History

Programme Outcomes (POs)

After completing B. A. degree programme, students will be able to:

PO 1: Realize and follow eternal human values.

PO 2: Become a responsible and dutiful citizen.

PO 3: Acquire scientific temperament and ability to think logically.

PO 4: Nurture creativity in arts as well as in day-to-day life.

PO 5: Get well acquainted with the social, economic, political, historical and geographical facts and trends in India as well as in the world.


Programme Specific Outcomes(PSOs)

After Completion of B.A. in History students will be able to: -

PSO1: Knowledge of multiple perspectives through which significant developments in the history of the Indian subcontinent from earliest times up to the period after independence.

PSO2: Familiarity with the significant patterns of development in certain parts of the modern and early modern world as well as certain non-Indian ancient societies.

PSO3: Ability to carefully read a complex historical narrative, evaluate its deployment of evidence, and understand its argument as well as critically analyze.

PSO4: Ability to identify patterns of change and continuity with regards to issues of contemporary significance over long durations as well as across diverse geocultural


PSO5: Greater ability to distinguish between that which is historical that is time-place context driven, hence changeable and challengeable.

Effectively engage in a multi cultural society and interact with diverse groups.

Course Outcomes (COs)

B.A.I ( Sem.I)

Rise of the Maratha Power (1600-1707) (I) DSE

CO1: To describe fundamentals causes of rise of Maratha power.

CO2: To discuss the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja’s achievement till 1664.

CO3: To discuss the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja’s achievement till 1680.

CO4: 1600 to 1707 was a period of rapid change in the history of Marathas.

 The course is designed to acquaint the students with the political, socio-economic and  religious life of the people during the 1600-1707 period.



B.A.I ( Sem.II)

Polity, society and Economy under the Marathas (1600-1707) (II) DSE 2

CO1: Describe the forts from multiple viewpoints- as sources of history, as centres of

control, as sites of historical events, and as heritage sites.

CO2: To explain history of the rise of Maratha power with main emphasis on life and work

of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.

CO3: The course is also expected to apprise the students with the sacrifices made by

Maratha leaders and people to protect freedom and sovereignty of the region.

CO4: Imagine the political, socio-economic and religious life of the people during the

1600-1707 period.


B.A.II (Sem.III)

History of Modern Maharashtra (1900 to 1960) (III) DSC

CO1: Explain the beginnings and growth of nationalist consciousness in Maharashtra.

CO2: Explain the contribution of Maharashtra to the national movement

CO3: Give an account of various movements of the peasants, workers, women and

backward classes

CO4: Discuss the background and events which led to the formation of separate state of Maharashtra. And explain concept of Modern Maharashtra.


B.A.II (Sem.IV)

History of Modern Maharashtra (1960-2000) (V) DSC

CO1: This was also a period of massive expansion of education as well as social


CO2: Tell the students to significant leaders, events and transformations in history of Maharashtra and  Evaluate the History of Modern Maharashtra during the 1960 to 2000.

CO3: Explain the contribution of eminent leaders of Maharashtra.

CO4: To critique the economic transformation of Maharashtra.


B.A.II (Sem.III)

History of India (1757-1857) (IV) DSC

CO1: Describe the significant events leading to establishment of the rule of East India company.

CO2: Tell the colonial policy adopted by the company to consolidate its rule in India.

CO3: Find the structural changes initiated by colonial rule in Indian Economy.

CO4: Explain the various revolts against rule of the East India Company.


B.A.II (Sem. IV)

History of India (1858-1947) (VI) DSC

CO1: Explain the events which lead to the growth of nationalism in India

CO2: To categorized the major events of the freedom struggle under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi.

CO3: Explain the contribution of Revolutionaries, Left Movement and Indian National Army

CO4: Define the concept of communalism and the causes and effects of the partition of India.


B.A.III (Sem.V)

Early India (from beginning to 4th c. BC) VII) DSC

CO1: Evaluate the transition of humans in India from Hunters to Farmers

CO2: Explain the transition from Early to Later Vedic period.

CO3: Categorises the causes for the first and second urbanizations

CO4: Discuses the teachings of Gautama Buddha and Vardhamana Mahavira


B.A.III (Sem.VI)

Ancient India (From 4th c. BC to 7th c. AD) (XII) DSC

CO1: To describes the fundamentals of Ancient Indian History.

CO2: Explain the great kings in Ancient India.

CO3: Give the political ,economic and religious developments which took place in early historic India

CO4: Explain the role played by Major Satavahana, Kushana, Gupta and Vakataka Kings


B.A.III (Sem.V)

History of Medieval India (1206-1526 AD ) (VIII) DSE

CO1: Asses the fundamental changes in polity, society, religion and culture of India.

CO2: To compare historiography on political structures and cultures across different realms of the Rajputs, Delhi Sultanate.

CO3: Describe the different types of historical sources available for writing the history of medieval India.

CO4: Explain the Contribution s of medieval rulers like Allaudin Khilji, Muhammad-bin-Tuqhlaq, Krishnadevraya, and Mahmud Gavan.

Empire .


B.A.III (Sem.VI)

History of Medieval India ( 1526-1707 AD ) (XIII) DSE

CO1: Identify the various sources for writing Medieval Indian history

CO2: Explain important developments in religion, society and culture

CO3: Describe the condition of Industry and trade

CO4: Explain the role of rulers like Babar, Akbar, Chandbibi and Ibrahim Adilshah II


B.A.III (Sem.V)

Age of Revolutions (IX) DSC

CO1: Explain the causes and consequences of the Reformation.

CO2: Discover the role played by Martin Luther.

CO3: Discusses the salient features of the Industrial revolution.

CO4: Explain the causes, effects and major events of French Revolution and American revolution.


B.A.III (Sem.VI)

Making of the Modern World (16th to 19th Century) (XIV)

CO1: Describe the causes and consequences of the Glorious revolution in England

CO2: Explain the concept of Nationalism and account for its rise and spread.

CO3: Identify the rise, growth and impact of Imperialism.

CO4: Explain the significance of the Partition of Africa. And unification of Italy and Germany


B.A.III (Sem.V)

Political History of the Marathas (X) DES-E-230

CO1: Explain the political condition up to 1740

CO2: To tell the role of Madhavrao, Mahadaji shinde and Nana .

CO3: Describe the role of Agriculture and Industries Trade in economic


CO4: Explain the causes and effects of the Battle of Panipat.


B.A.III (Sem.VI)

Polity, Economy and Society under the Marathas (XV) DSE

CO1: Describe the various sources for writing the history of the Marathas

CO2: Explain the significant developments in the polity of the Marathas

CO3: Explain the social conditions and economic conditions

CO4: Introduce the students to the sources of Maratha history.


B.A.III (Sem.V)

History: Its Theory (XI) DSE

CO1: Explain the definition and Scope of the subject of History

CO2: Describe the process of acquiring historical data

CO3: Evaluate the methods of writing history

CO4: To determine tools of writing of History.


B.A.III (Sem.VI)

Methods and Applications of History (XVI) DSE

CO1: Explain the nature of archival sources

CO2: Define the conceptual clarity about recent trends in history.

CO3: Explain the concept and Scope of heritage tourism.

CO4: Describe the trends of local and oral history and will know about the tools of local history like Survey, Interview and Questionnaire.

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