Department of Political Science

Study Material


Sr. No.


Name of Paper


B. A I

1. B. A. I
2. B. A. I - SEM II - Additional Units




3. B. A. II - Paper No. 3 & 5

4. B. A. II - Paper No. 4 & 6

5. B. A. II - Paper III - Political Process in India 

6. B. A. II - Public Administation

7. B. A. II - Public Administation - I. D. S. 



8. B. A. III - Paper 7 & 12

9. B. A. III - Paper 8 & 13

10. B. A. III - Paper 9 & 14

11. B. A. III - Paper 10 & 15

12. B. A. III - Paper 11& 16


Online Study Material – You Tube Video

(Prof. Vishal Kamble)



1. National Webinar

2. Political Theory File 1

3. Political Theory File 2

4. Political Theory File 3

5. Political Theory File 4

6. Political Theory File 5

7. Political Theory File 6

8. Western Political Thought file 1

9. Western Political Thought file 2

10. Western Political Thought file 3

11. Western Political Thought file 4

12. Western Political Thought file 5

13. Western Political Thought file 6

14. Nature of Political Theory file 1

15. Nature of Political Theory file 2

16. Nature of Political Theory file 3

17. Scope of Political Theory file 1

18. Scope of Political Theory file 2

19. Scope of Political Theory file 3

20. Political Philosophy & Political Theory file 1

21. Political Philosophy & Political Theory file 2

22. Platos Political Thought-Theory of Justice

23. Political Theory- Decline & Resurgence file 1

24. Political Theory- Decline & Resurgence file 2

25. Indian Constitution file 1

26. Indian Constitution file Historical Background file 2

27. Indian Constitution file 3

28. Indian Constitution file 4

29. Constituent Assembly- Nature & Functions file 1

30. Constituent Assembly- Nature & Functions file 2

31. Constituent Assembly- Nature & Functions file 3

32. Constituent Assembly- Nature & Functions file 4

33. Basic piller of Indian Constitution file 1

34. Basic piller of Indian Constitution file 2

35. Characteristics of Indian Constitution file 1

36. Characteristics of Indian Constitution file 2

37. Characteristics of Indian Constitution file 3

38. Characteristics of Indian Constitution file 4

39. Public Administration- Features & Meaning of Civil Services file 1

40. Public Administration- Features & Meaning of Civil Services file 2

41. Public Administration- Features & Meaning of Civil Services file 3

42. Public Administration- Personal Administration - Recruitment file 1

43. Public Administration- Personal Administration - Recruitment file 2

44. Public Administration- Personal Administration - Recruitment file 3

45. Public Administration-Training

46. Public Administration- Promotion file 1

47. Public Administration- Promotion & Political Nuterality

48. Philosophy of indian Constitution -Preamble file 1

49. Philosophy of indian Constitution -Preamble file 2

50. Philosophy of indian Constitution -Preamble file 3

51. Philosophy of indian Constitution-Fundamental Rights

52. Philosophy of indian Constitution

1. B. A. I

2. B. A. I - SEM II - Additional Units

3. B. A. II - Paper No. 3 & 5

4. B. A. II - Paper No. 4 & 6

5. B. A. II - Paper III - Political Process in India 

6. B. A. II - Public Administation

7. B. A. II - Public Administation - I. D. S. 

8. B. A. III - Paper 7 & 12

9. B. A. III - Paper 8 & 13

10. B. A. III - Paper 9 & 14

11. B. A. III - Paper 10 & 15

12. B. A. III - Paper 11& 16

Mr. Vishal Kamble - YouTube Videos 

1. National Webinar

2. Political Theory File 1

3. Political Theory File 2

4. Political Theory File 3

5. Political Theory File 4

6. Political Theory File 5

7. Political Theory File 6

8. Western Political Thought file 1

9. Western Political Thought file 2

10. Western Political Thought file 3

11. Western Political Thought file 4

12. Western Political Thought file 5

13. Western Political Thought file 6

14. Nature of Political Theory file 1

15. Nature of Political Theory file 2

16. Nature of Political Theory file 3

17. Scope of Political Theory file 1

18. Scope of Political Theory file 2

19. Scope of Political Theory file 3

20. Political Philosophy & Political Theory file 1

21. Political Philosophy & Political Theory file 2

22. Platos Political Thought-Theory of Justice

23. Political Theory- Decline & Resurgence file 1

24. Political Theory- Decline & Resurgence file 2

25. Indian Constitution file 1

26. Indian Constitution file Historical Background file 2

27. Indian Constitution file 3

28. Indian Constitution file 4

29. Constituent Assembly- Nature & Functions file 1

30. Constituent Assembly- Nature & Functions file 2

31. Constituent Assembly- Nature & Functions file 3

32. Constituent Assembly- Nature & Functions file 4

33. Basic piller of Indian Constitution file 1

34. Basic piller of Indian Constitution file 2

35. Characteristics of Indian Constitution file 1

36. Characteristics of Indian Constitution file 2

37. Characteristics of Indian Constitution file 3

38. Characteristics of Indian Constitution file 4

39. Public Administration- Features & Meaning of Civil Services file 1

40. Public Administration- Features & Meaning of Civil Services file 2

41. Public Administration- Features & Meaning of Civil Services file 3

42. Public Administration- Personal Administration - Recruitment file 1

43. Public Administration- Personal Administration - Recruitment file 2

44. Public Administration- Personal Administration - Recruitment file 3

45. Public Administration-Training

46. Public Administration- Promotion file 1

47. Public Administration- Promotion & Political Nuterality

48. Philosophy of indian Constitution -Preamble file 1

49. Philosophy of indian Constitution -Preamble file 2

50. Philosophy of indian Constitution -Preamble file 3

51. Philosophy of indian Constitution-Fundamental Rights

52. Philosophy of indian Constitution


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