Department of Zoology




Course Outcomes

Programs Outcomes: B.Sc. Zoology

Sr. No Program    Program Outcomes Program Specific Outcomes
01        B.Sc.      Zoology
  1. Critical thinking: The curriculum helps to enhance the ability and thinking power of students.
  2. Effective Communication: acquire communication skill through debates, seminars and presentations.
  3. Social Interaction: During field visits social interaction with locals.
  4. Effective Citizenship: Work in multidisciplinary environments and be responsive to the changing needs of the society.
  5. Ethics: Students learn ethical approach, to conserve diversity of animal kingdom.
  6. Environment and Sustainability: understand the issues of environmental contexts and sustainable development.
  7. Self-directed and Life long learning: Engage in lifelong learning, apply the knowledge judicially and remain continuously employable.
  1. To provide Knowledge of various animals from primitive to highly evolved forms and its complexity.
  2. To foster curiosity in the students for Zoology& understand potential of various branches of Zoology.
  3. To equip students with laboratory skills as well as field based studies to become an successful entrepreneur.
  4. To highlight biodiversity and its need of conservation.
  5. To make aware about ways of conservation and sustainability.
  6. To inculcate knowledge and make successful career in zoology.
  7. To inculcate research attitude and aptitude among students.
  8. To conduct basic and applied research which has societal and environmental value.



Courses Outcomes: B.Sc. I, II, III Zoology

Sr. No.



Course outcomes

B.Sc. I 


1. Exposure to diversity in animal groups(invertebrates),cell biology and Ecology.

2. To inculcate good laboratory practices in students and to train them about proper handling of lab instruments.

B.Sc. II 


1. Exposure to diversity in animal  groups(vertebrates), and applied zoology.

2. The practical course in tends to inform students about Animal systematic, animal diversity and applied zoology field such as Fisheries,     Apiculture, Sericulture etc.




1. Students pursuing this course should have detailed studies of the various disciplines of the zoology subject and the other branches of zoology such as Genetics, Animal physiology, Molecular biology, Biochemistry, Microtechnique, Non-chordate and Chordate, Developmental Biology, Histology, cell biology, Biodiversity, Medical entomology, parasitology, Genetics etc.

2. The working principles, design guidelines and experimental skills associated with different fields of zoology  such as genetics and cell biology, Entomology, physiology, Developmental biology, histology,Biochemical techniques etc.



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