Department of Electronics


Programme Outcomes

  1. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.
  2. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
  3. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
  4. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
  5. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

Programme Specific Outcomes

On completion of the B. Sc. in electronics degree graduates will be able to

  1. Foster the acquisition of comprehensive knowledge in Electronics science and technology among students.
  2. Facilitate students in staying updated with the latest trends and developments in the field of Electronics.
  3. Create opportunities for students to pursue careers as researchers and developers, fulfilling the specific demands of the electronics industry.
  4. An ability to design and conduct the experiments, as well as analyze and interpret the data.
  5. Enable students to effectively formulate, analyze, and solve real-life problems encountered in the electronics industry.


B. Sc. – I

Semester-I Paper- I

Network analysis and analog electronics

1. Familiar with active and passive electronic components

2. Understand the concepts of Voltage and Current sources

3. Understanding and problem solving with Thevenin’s, Norton’s, superposition and maximum power transfer theorems.

4. Ability to express and solve any Electrical Circuit in terms of h, Z, Y Parameter models

5. Get knowledge of characteristics and operation of different diodes

6. Understand the different types of filters and regulators

7. Get knowledge about voltage regulation by Zener diode

B. Sc. – I

Semester-I Paper- II

Digital integrated circuits

1. Student will familiar with  the types of digital devices and its applications in different domain, Conversion of different number systems as example conversion from binary to other number systems, implementation of different codes and conversions ,addition and subtraction of 1’s and 2’s complement numbers.

2. Get knowledge about standard Boolean algebra and logic gates. De-Morgan’ Theorems

3. Knowledge about SOP and POS, develop K-map for 2/3/4 variables.

4. Understand the design of Arithmetic circuit- Adder, Subtractor 

5. Understand of operation of decoder, Encoder, multiplexer, De-Multiplexer

B. Sc. – I

Semester- II Paper- III

Analog electronic circuits

1. Students will be able to assess knowledge about bipolar junction transistor and Relation between α and β, dc load line and Q point.

2. Understand the design of Amplifiers

3. Understand the operation of two stage RC coupled amplify. Coupling Methods (RC, DC &TC).

4. Understand the operation of various basic oscillators and feedback amplifiers.

5. Students will be able to assess knowledge about Unipolar Devices- JFET,UJT

B. Sc. – I

Semester- II Paper- IV

Linear and digital integrated circuits

1. Understand the basic differences of combinational and sequential circuits, Develop flip flops as SR, JK, D flip flop, Develop register and counters  and other advanced sequential circuits, Prepare different conversion techniques from digital domain to analog domain and vice versa. Understand the operation of Synchronous Up/Down counter, Asynchronous counters, Decade counter, Ring counter.

2. Understand the data Conversion of DAC & ADC

3. Design and test various basic linear application circuits using Op-amps

4. Describe operating principle of 555 timer IC base monostable multivibrator, 555 timer IC based astable multivibrator  

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