Department of Physics

BSc Part III Study Material


B. Sc. III Study Material

Paper-IX: DSE-E1, Mathematical Physics


Paper-X: DSE-E2, Quantum Mechanics

Method of separation of variables for solving second order partial differential equations

Some Special Integrals


De-Broglie hypothesis of matter waves


Particle in an One dimensional Potential Well (1D Box)

Legendre and Bessel differential equation



Schrödinger time dependent and time independent



Gamma function



Hamiltonian operator



Cauchy-Riemann conditions



Particle in a rigid box




Paper-XI: DSE-E3, Classical Mechanics and Classical Electrodynamics


Paper-XII: DSE-E4, Digital and Analog Circuits and Instrumentation

Principle of virtual work

Mag. Fields due to moving charged Particles

Charge Density

De Morgan's theorems

CRO (Block Diagram)


Hamilton’s Principle

Motion of Rigid Body

Hamilton’s Principle

Basic logic gates

De Morgan's theorems


D’Alembert’s Principle


Inertial and Noninertial Freame of Ref


Lissajous Figure


Michelson-Morley experiment


Poissions and Laplaces Equation

Principle, Construction and working of CRT




Paper-XIII: DSE-F1, Nuclear and Particle Physics


Paper-XIV: DSE-F2, Solid State Physics

Semi empirical mass formula

Cyclotron (Construction, Principle and Working)

Binding Energy

Miller indices

Crystal Structure

Band theory of Solids

Cyclotron- construction, working

Cyclotron (Extra Material)

Ionization Chamber

Bragg’s law in reciprocal lattice

Miller Indices





Curie’s law



Geiger Muller counter- construction, working and theory



Hall Effect - Hall voltage and Hall Coefficient




Paper-XV: DSE-F3, Atomic and Molecular Physics and Astrophysics


Paper-XVI: DSE-F4, Energy Studies and Material Science

Spectral notations

The Big bang

Raman Effect

Classification of energy resources

Solar Energy


Electron spin-orbit interaction

Raman Effect

 The Sun

Idea of superconductivity



Rotational spectra

 Molecular Spectra


Meissner effect, Type-I & Type-II superconductors



Hubble law

Atomic Spectroscopy


Applications of nanotechnology




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