Electoral Literacy Club


Electoral Literacy Club

The Electoral Literacy Club (ELC) at our institution aims to promote voter awareness and encourage active democratic participation among students. Through various initiatives and activities, the club seeks to educate students about the importance of voting, electoral processes and responsible citizenship. The ELC is part of a nationwide initiative to foster a culture of informed and ethical voting, ensuring that young citizens understand their rights and responsibilities in a democracy.



  • To educate students about the electoral process, including voter registration, casting votes and the significance of elections in a democracy.
  • To encourage first-time voters to actively participate in elections and exercise their right to vote.
  • To develop responsible citizens who understand the importance of ethical voting and informed decision-making.
  • To create awareness about the role of elections in ensuring accountable governance.

Key Activities:

Voter Registration Drives: Organizing campus-wide voter registration campaigns to assist students in enrolling as voters and updating their voter information.

Workshops and Seminars: Conducting sessions on topics such as the election process, the importance of voting, electoral rights and the role of youth in democracy.

Awareness Campaigns: Engaging in various campaigns, such as poster making, slogan writing and social media initiatives, to raise awareness about electoral literacy and voter participation.

Celebrating National Voter’s Day: Observing National Voter’s Day (January 25) with activities that emphasize the importance of active participation in democracy.


Benefits for Students:

Civic Awareness: Gain a deeper understanding of electoral processes and the importance of responsible voting.

Leadership Development: Enhance leadership skills by organizing and participating in club activities and awareness campaigns.

Community Engagement: Contribute to society by promoting informed and ethical voting practices among peers and the local community.

Eligibility to Vote: Help students understand the process of becoming registered voters and ensure they are election-ready when eligible.


Join the Electoral Literacy Club:

Students interested in promoting electoral awareness and becoming active participants in the democratic process are encouraged to join the ELC. The club is open to all students and members can contribute by participating in and organizing various activities throughout the year.

Contact Information: Prof. Vishal L. Kamble


Phone: 8308462579

The Electoral Literacy Club is committed to building a well-informed and active voter base among students, empowering them to contribute to a stronger and more vibrant democracy. Join us in shaping the future of our nation through informed voting!

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